Band Camp
In order to build an award-winning program each year, the band season includes an intensive two-week band camp. Camp is held at Urbana High School during August (see Charms for current schedule). The purpose of Band Camp is to prepare the band for the upcoming competition season. This includes learning the show drill, memorizing music, and mastering marching techniques. Most importantly, the band learns to perform together as a cohesive team during these two intense weeks of hard work (and fun!).
Camp Basics For Students and Parents
Camp begins at 9:00AM sharp each day, plan to arrive by 8:45AM to have time to put away lunch, get out instruments and guard gear and walk to the practice field (aka parking lot).
Pick-up is at 9:00PM each night (yes, your math is correct, that is 12 hours of camp!), but even so, be prepared to wait. They tend to take their time getting the car. Into the second week as the show starts to come together, come a little early and enjoy watching them practice and play. It is amazing the progress they will make!
Hydration is critical! Bring a large, insulated water jug full of ice water each day. There is a fountain available for refills.
Meals: Lunch is 12:00-1:00 and dinner is 5:00-6:00. As band camp is very physical (and often hot), we do not allow any fried fast food, burgers, pizza, soda or energy drinks. Water and Gatorade only! Students may not leave campus for any reason during meals unless approved in advance by the Band Director. Students may bring their lunch and dinner in coolers or parents may deliver it to campus before meal times.
What to Bring
Equipment – instrument, drumsticks, flags, rifles, etc.
Sunblock – apply before you leave the house and reapply often.
Sunglasses and hat.
Clothes - Comfortable athletic wear (must be school appropriate),
Jeans and other heavy items are strongly discouraged.
Water jug with lots of ice.
Athletic shoes – no flip flops, sandals, or open-toe shoes.
Flat-soled shoes are not recommended (Vans, “Chucks’ etc.)
Healthy lunch, dinner, and snacks –nothing fried! Parents can drop off lunch/dinner as well. Drop off time are 12:00 for lunch and 5:00 for dinner.
Binder with sheet protectors.
Advice to Parents
Be understanding. Our students will be tired and cranky at the end of their 12-hour days. Make sure they drink plenty of water when they get home.
Recognize the value you are getting. Band Camp provides the equivalent to more than 4 hours of music lessons per day from our qualified staff.
Be grateful. Our dedicated staff also put in the 12-hour plus days and some travel from long distances to work with our students.
Be there. There will be parent meetings, socials and calls for volunteers. We need everyone’s help and have a place for everyone. Even if your kids say they don't want you to come to things, they'll be grateful for it in the long run.
Be proud. You are a member of the Urbana Band Family!